Stephanie Hendin has a lengthy history of volunteering in the Edmonton Jewish community. Her parents modelled volunteer values.
She followed in their footsteps by becoming involved in the Talmud Torah Society board, Hadassah WIZO and the Jewish Federation of Edmonton, where she served in many capacities, including Federation president.
Now as board chair of the Edmonton Jewish Community Charitable Foundation (EJCCF), Stephanie hopes more people will follow suit and join the Foundation’s board. “A community needs volunteers to grow, to thrive, and to mentor,” she says.
The EJCCF helps people support Jewish causes that are important to them. It provides resources to make the community’s vision a reality, working in partnership with its donors, and striving to ensure the long-term financial security of the Jewish community. Stephanie is searching for new board members to help the EJCCF in donor recruitment and to ensure continuity and future leadership.
Stephanie says interested EJCCF board representatives should be familiar with the Edmonton Jewish community and understand how to work with donors who have the potential to give large gifts. There is a difference in donating to the Federation and to the EJCCF. “Federation is the day-to-day operations of the community, but the Foundation represents the future. The funds that we raise, the gifts we receive—these endowments are what will sustain our community in the future. The gifts that we receive today will generate proceeds that maintain the community’s financial security,” she adds.
The Edmonton Community Foundation (ECF) works with the EJCCF to prepare contracts with donors, administer the funds and manage the investments. The ECF expertise and professional staff help the volunteers in their efforts to secure donors.
If you are interested in becoming a board member or contributing to the EJCCF, contact Stephanie at ejccfoundation@gmail.com.