Leadership message

Israeli Hamas attack leaves our community in shock but we will prevail

The nightmare of all nightmares has occurred. To quote Irwin Cotler in his famous saying, “too terrible to believe but not too terrible to have happened”. The magnitude of barbarism is staggering, and each of the over 1,300 souls with a story and loved ones that ripples across the nation…

Federation continues advocating in light of recent events

I wanted to share with you the warm experiences I had this week, connecting with our community while we connected with one another. Jewish Family Services organized a tasty seudah in the sukkah dinner at Beth Israel Synagogue. Many agencies sponsored this event, including the Jewish Federati…

Awareness comes in all forms

Time in shul on the High Holidays provides many things, among them a chance to reflect on the past 12 months and to renew intentions for the next year ahead. This year, I thought a lot about awareness and what I’m paying attention to or ignoring. 

In the realm of awareness in my professi…

Connecting Edmonton with the Jewish world helps keep isolation away

As the northernmost Federated Jewish community in North America, or what I affectionately refer to as “The Shtetl in the North”, it is easy to feel isolated and out of the loop. Through the marvels of modern technology, this was farthest from the case this week. Connecting Jewish Edmonto…

UJA campaign asks what you believe

We all desire a thriving, connected Jewish Edmonton. This year’s United Jewish Appeal (UJA) campaign delves into what we all believe in about the Federation and UJA. Donors to the campaign took the time to write why they believe. You will see these statements on our website, on our social …