Comments such as, when we have the building, this will be so much easier or if we had the building ready, the Jewish Community Centre (JCC) would be perfect for this event, keep popping up. I love hearing how the community is envisioning uses for the new building, like a Shalom Baby gathering or a commemorative moment for October 7.
This week, someone introduced me to a non-Jewish ally and friend who was enthusiastic about the building project. He foresees how it will enrich the area and enhance opportunities for engagement with our community. He even lamented, “If your building were open, we would have coffee there instead!”
If you are curious about what stage this project is at and the ongoing work, please visit our JCC webpage. Marshall Hundert, our project manager, explains a little further in this article written by our summer intern Makhabbat Aitkenova.
Some of you have met Makhabbat, a newcomer from Kazakhstan who Canada Summer jobs has funded for a placement with us. Ironically, she has helped to plan the newcomer “Challah and Hummus” event taking place later today. We have many fresh faces that we look forward to welcoming and informing about the community, along with Jewish Family Services, Talmud Torah, and representatives from the synagogues.
We are very pleased to convene these agencies, newcomers, and the volunteers who want to help welcome them to Edmonton. Strengthening the community through strengthening our connections is something we proudly do, with thanks to your support from the United Jewish Appeal campaign. We have also proudly supported Camp BB Riback bursaries and are enjoying seeing many smiling campers at a full July session this year. Yasher koach to the staff team and we wish all the kids a safe and fun summer!
It may be too hot to put on a “blue and white sweater” right now (as they sing about at Camp BB), but I hope you tap into that community spirit by ensuring that we have a strong and unified presence at Heritage Festival. Whether you are new to the community or come back year after year, please consider volunteering by taking a shift for the Israel pavilion and signing up now.
Shabbat Shalom,