Federation leads the way for Jewish Edmonton

This week's Shabbat message is reshared from this week's Federation's annual general meeting:

Shalom everyone! Thank you for inviting me to share a few words of Torah at this year’s AGM. 

This week’s Torah portion, Vayetzei, tells us a story about Yaakov, and community building. Yaakov comes to a new place. He sees shepherds gathered around a well, but they’re just sitting there. A big stone covers the well. No one is doing anything about it. Yaakov asks them, “Why aren’t you watering the sheep?” They explain that they’re waiting for everyone to arrive because the stone is too heavy for just a few people to move. What does Yaakov do? He steps forward and moves the stone himself. He doesn’t just talk about what should be done - he makes it happen. He shows us what real leadership means - seeing what needs to be done and doing it. And once the stone is moved, all the shepherds can water their flocks. Yaakov’s leadership creates access for everyone. 

The Jewish Federation works the same way. When our community faces challenges, Federation steps forward. It brings people together, raises funds, and coordinates responses. When we need to educate about Judaism, Federation creates opportunities. When young Jews need ways to connect, Federation builds bridges. When Israel needs our support, Federation helps channel our community’s response. When people spread lies about Israel or Jews, Federation responds with truth and education. 

Times are difficult for Jews right now. Antisemitism isn’t just a threat - it’s a harsh reality we face every day. It’s like that heavy stone blocking the well, making Jewish life more difficult. But like Yaakov, Federation doesn’t wait for someone else to solve the problem. It takes action to ensure Jewish life stays strong and keeps flowing, like water from a well, nourishing our whole community. 

The parsha tells us that after Yaakov moved the stone, “all the flocks were watered.” This detail is significant. His leadership benefited everyone, not just his own flock. Similarly, Federation’s work strengthens our entire community of Edmonton. This is exactly what Yaakov showed us at the well. Sometimes you can’t wait for everyone to gather, for the perfect moment, for someone else to take the lead. Sometimes you need to step up and move that stone yourself. Like those shepherds at the well. 

We face challenges that might seem too heavy for any one person to handle. But together, through Federation’s leadership, we can move any stone that blocks our path. May Federation continue to strengthen our community, just as Yaakov strengthened those around him. May you have the wisdom to see what needs to be done, the courage to take action, and the ability to bring people together for the common good. Thank you for all you do for our Jewish community. M’chayil el chayil, nitchazek! From strength to strength, may we be strengthened!

Shabbat shalom,

Rabbi Alisa Zilbershtein

  • I’m honoured to step in as a guest contributor in this weekly community connection. As executive director of Jewish Family Services Edmonton (JFSE), it’s my privilege to represent our agency an...