Demonstrate solidarity for Israel at Heritage Festival

“The only stability in the Middle East is instability.”   

Gadeer Kamal-Mreeh, the first Druze woman elected to Israel’s Knesset, made this statement. She spoke at the Jewish Agency for Israel briefing about the Majdal Shams massacres. This informative session offered an understanding of Druze in Israel, while also giving an update on how they were offering support in response to the attack. The Jewish Agency was the initial organization to show up and help the affected families through the Victims of Terror Fund, which Federations across North America have supported through our ongoing campaigns.  

Israelis and diaspora Jews are expecting Iran and its proxies to retaliate this weekend. We will monitor these events closely, with concern for all of Israel, and particularly our brethren in the north, whose communities continue to be displaced and affected by rocket fire.   

Safety and security are also at the forefront as we keep track of events across Canada with our law enforcement partners. If you are feeling overly anxious or distressed, I encourage you to reach out to Jewish Family Services to speak with a counsellor. In the meantime, we are ensuring a layered security approach for the Heritage Festival as we plan for this weekend.    

While many communities have held rallies and marches for Israel, this is our public moment to feel the comfort of unity and community and to show our solidarity with Israel. I hope to see you on Sunday and Monday, cheering on our two dance groups, trying out the archaeological dig, or enjoying a robust menu of vegan items from Vish. Thanks to all who will volunteer.   

Former President Clyde Hurtig joins me in encouraging all of us to support our own local Jewish and Israeli food establishments with this message: 

Edmonton has two wonderful Jewish eateries. The restaurant Vish on 124 Street, and Veggie Delights Kosher food truck, which travels around but usually after 3:30 p.m. can be found in front of the Beth Israel synagogue. Both venues have delicious cooking, and I believe you will greatly enjoy eating at either one.

Recently, world events have created a politically charged atmosphere which has reduced foot traffic. This message reminds you that these businesses rely on our supporting them. Try a delicious falafel at Veggie Delights or try Vish’s Sabich pita. You will not be disappointed! I hope to see you there. 

The sense of community we feel begins with our youth. The Jewish Federation of Edmonton has proudly supported several bursaries at Camp BB Riback to ensure the most vulnerable among Jewish Edmontonians can provide this experience for their children. Yasher Koach to camp director Stacy Shaikin and his staff team for a wonderful (and full) first session. I will look forward to visiting camp next week to see the second session in action!   

Team Alberta at JCC Maccabi Games has enjoyed a strong delegation taking part in many sports at the Detroit games and will return tonight with their medals and stories. Chloe Soibelman deserves a huge thank you and a shout out for her role as delegation head. She has volunteered and worked tirelessly throughout the year to organize and prepare the team, allowing them to enjoy the experience seamlessly.    

Shabbat Shalom,  


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