Leadership message

Support for new JCC and community events reflect our unity

Comments such as, when we have the building, this will be so much easier or if we had the building ready, the Jewish Community Centre (JCC) would be perfect for this event, keep popping up. I love hearing how the community is envisioning uses for the new building, like a Shalom Baby gatherin…

Join us to shape the future of our community website

When I was in Grade 2, our class went on a field trip to see a computer. This was not the type of computer we use today. It filled a room, and we used the dot-matrix printer much to our excitement. We could bring that paper home to show our parents.   

Little did we know then as children …

Demonstrate community unity by celebrating our Jewish culture

Many events this Canada Day weekend mark the beginning of Edmonton’s reputation as a city of festivals. Festivals are a wonderful opportunity to get to know our city, neighbours and the many cultural groups that make up the fabric of Edmonton. The Aviv Israeli Folk Dance Association will b…

Newcomers making impacts in Edmonton and Israel

For those who follow the news, this week has been full of challenges across the country. Brazen, violent acts of antisemitism in Vancouver and Montreal, followed by a proposal at the Toronto District School Board to adopt a motion around anti-Palestinian racism that seeks to erase core aspec…

Show your Pride and make everyone feel safe and loved

Pride season is upon us, and for many of us, it has been a difficult one. The lack of inclusion of Jewish folks in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community has left us feeling disappointed and frustrated. The pain of being left out has left many of us wondering why. How can we have pride if we cannot have p…