
Chaperone JCC Maccabi Team Alberta (volunteer position)

Jewish Federation of Edmonton 10220 156 Street, Edmonton AB

Team Alberta is looking for a volunteer chaperone to add to their team of supervisors for the JCC Maccabi Games being held in Detroit July 26- August 2, 2024. If you are a team player, love sports, enjoy working with teens (and communicating with parents), we would love to meet you! 

The week of the games is a whirlwind week, that requires long hours and a lot of energy. Below find the requirements and job description for the chaperone. This is not necessarily an exhaustive list.  

  • Must be 21 or older 
  • Attend all required JCC Maccabi orientations and meetings prior to traveling with the Delegation; JCC Association recommends a minimum of two coaches/chaperones meetings to ensure proper communication of expectations 
  • Travel with the athletes to and from the games, providing supervision and running team bonding activities 
  • Should be a competent and confident communicator and problem solver 
  • Being on call and flexible schedule-wise during the week of JCC Maccabi® 
  • Assisting with the dispersal of their athletes at the transportation “hub” site starting when morning transportation begins and running through host family pick-up either at evening activity location or satellite bus-pick up location 
  • Riding on the bus system with the teens to the various sporting events 
  • Being available for supervision of teens during lunch  
  • Acting as a “floater chaperone” for individual sports within your delegation that do not have a specific adult assigned (i.e. golf/tennis with one or two athletes) 
  • Attending and supervising teens at all scheduled events, including JCC Cares community service projects and all evening activities (except host family night) 
  • Checking in with their coaches at JCC Cares community service project and evening activities 
  • Serving as the back-up person for handling any possible emergency situations within your delegation 
  • Serving as a role model for both adults and teens  

Please submit a resume to by May 3. Feel free to add a cover letter. Thank you very much for your interest. Those selected for an interview will be contacted.