The Annual General Meeting of the Edmonton Talmud Torah Society shall be held in the Edmonton Talmud Torah School, 6320 – 172 Street, Edmonton, on Wednesday, May 9, 2018 commencing at 7:00 PM in the gymnasium.
The Agenda for the Meeting shall include the following:
1. President’s Report
2. Principal’s Report
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Election of Board Members
5. New Business
Any parent or guardian of a child who attends the school or any person 18 years of age or older and who has contributed or on whose behalf a contribution was made to the United Jewish Appeal or Talmud Torah School is eligible to vote at the meeting. Seven people will be elected for a two-year term, six of whom must be a parent or guardian of a child who attends the Edmonton Talmud Torah and the seventh position may be filled by a member of the Edmonton Jewish community at large who has contributed to the United Jewish Appeal. A person is not eligible to be elected if he/she is engaged as an employee of the Edmonton Talmud Torah Society or if he/she has an outstanding debt or obligation to the Edmonton Talmud Torah Society, and has not put in place an approved payment proposal.
Any person who is eligible to run for the Board must cause the Nomination Form to be properly completed and delivered to the Secretary not later than one week prior to the Annual General Meeting. Nomination forms may be obtained from the school. Please leave nomination forms at the school office to the attention of the Society.
Members of the Society in attendance at the Annual General Meeting may nominate from the floor additional names and present a brief biographical sketch of the Nominee provided the Nominee has given prior consent to such nomination.
You are encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting in order to become more fully informed about the affairs and activities of the School.