
20 2015

Jerusalem's Hartman Institute Lecture Series Comes to Edmonton Beth Tzedek

1:00PM - 3:30PM  

Talmud Torah School 6320 172 Street
Edmonton, AB

Contact Martin Bankey

Beth Tzedek is privileged to present the first of several Hartman Institute video lectures to the Jewish community on Sunday afternoon, December 20th from 1:00 to 3:30 pm in the Chapel Room at the Talmud Torah School. The video series is entitled "Engaging Israel: Foundations for a New Relationship". It is an exploration of Jewish values and concepts that are at the core of Israel's existence. Understanding these values and concepts will facilitate an enriched and new covenantal relationship between world Jewry and Israel. The first video lecture is titled "From Crisis to Covenant" and is presented by the charismatic Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman.

The Hartman Institute was founded by Rabbi Dr. David Hartman. He was ordained by the great Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik and became one of the great Jewish scholars and philosophers of the 20th and 21st centuries. He wrote many books, perhaps none as remarkable as his last: “The God who Hates Lies”. He assembled a group of first rank scholars in his institute. Many of them appear as discussants in our “Engaging Israel” series. The opportunity to learn from such a stellar group will prove to be exceptionally informative, stimulating and thought provoking.

On Saturday, December 19th, a day before the video lecture, an optional introductory preview based on textual material from the series, will be provided following our Shabbat service (between 10 am and 12 in the Talmud Torah chapel). Please join us for our beautiful service and get a head start on the Hartman material. Because we conclude with a delicious Kiddush please try to notify our president, Stan Bronson, prior to coming (Ph: 780-444-4012 or E-mail:

For a unique experience please join us Sunday afternoon, December 20th from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm. at the Talmud Torah. We look forward to seeing you there.

Sponsor: Beth Tzedek Congregation